samedi, août 26, 2006


Today the Consilium society celebrates one of the four European days (as you know those days are dedicated to the Real Legal Service): Melinda – Ditka’s birthday!

She is also President of the Strictement déconseillés’ Fan club, winner in the category Ugly picture and best Citka’s friend, Legal adviser on blog matters, Excellent omelette maker, and most importantly, member of the Légion d’honneur des vaches folles!

How many times she made us laugh to tears in the office?

Ditka has an impressive filmography :
Star from the famous Consiliwood movies : Holà (directed by Fiammetta), the Addams family (2006) directed by me, Wins the yes!(2006), Serious(2006), Eating Brownies (February), Bienvenu au Conseil (February)
Director and producer Antisocial tu perds ton sang froid (also February),
Dance star in Olivier’s interview
Leading actress, Choreography: Fernando (special guest: Miguelito)
Main character in the best-seller Conference - backstage, Strasbourg trip - l'histoire continue and many more.

As she was one of the best Council lawyers, her brilliant legal advice will remain unforgettable: If one of your friends becomes too aggressive after a friendly dinner and you want to get rid of him, but keep his friendship, you could send him a friendly sms:

Casse - toi!


mardi, août 22, 2006

Holtermanians invasion

20th Century Consilium Fox presents:
Life after the Council
2nd episode: Holtermanians invasion

Help !
They will land on Bulgarian earth tomorrow, with the intent to enslave the Slavs and stop the enlargement of the EU!

We asked Melinda (also known as the Eastern Savior) to come and defend us against the invasion of those horrible aliens called The Holtermanians !
Anyway, don't worry, my dear trainee, Sofia could capitulate, but Plovdiv will resist!

vendredi, août 18, 2006

Titicaca dreams

20th Century Consilium Fox presents:
Life after the Council
1st episode: Titicaca dreams

Dear consilium trainee,
Close your eyes and imagine….
Imagine a wonderful trip through Peru

with Veronika (who went there with an NGO to restore the Inca Empire) and listen
'El Condor Pasa'

Ah Lima, Machu Picchu, Titicaca,

dimanche, août 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Ricardo

2* ;) years ago, in a beautiful place somewhere in Portugal, a brilliant baby boy was born…

Happy birthday Ricardinho!

We wish you all the best.

jeudi, août 03, 2006



For those of you who were rooting for our poor friend, mr. Pedovic, the European Court for Human Rights ruled in his case a few weeks ago. Like the brilliant jurists who were there in the audience at the time already predicted, he has won on the fair trial point, but lost on the right to family life. The ruling itself can be found on the court's website, but the operative part is short enough to quote:


1. Dit, par cinq voix contre deux, qu’il y a eu violation de l’article 6 § 1 de la Convention ;
2. Dit, à l’unanimité, qu’il n’y a pas eu violation de l’article 8 de la Convention ;
3. Dit, par cinq voix contre deux,
a) que l’Etat défendeur doit verser au requérant, dans les trois mois à compter du jour où l’arrêt sera devenu définitif conformément à l’article 44 § 2 de la Convention, les sommes suivantes, qui sont à convertir dans la monnaie nationale de l’Etat défendeur au taux applicable à la date du règlement :
i. 1 500 EUR (mille cinq cents euros) pour dommage moral ;
ii. 1 500 EUR (mille cinq cents euros) pour frais et dépens ;
iii. tout montant pouvant être dû à titre d’impôt sur lesdites sommes ;
b) qu’à compter de l’expiration dudit délai et jusqu’au versement, ces montants seront à majorer d’un intérêt simple à un taux égal à celui de la facilité de prêt marginal de la Banque centrale européenne applicable pendant cette période, augmenté de trois points de pourcentage ;
4. Rejette, à l’unanimité, la demande de satisfaction équitable pour le surplus.

Fait en français, puis communiqué par écrit le 18 juillet 2006 en application de l’article 77 §§ 2 et 3 du règlement.


mercredi, août 02, 2006

31st July in the Council

Monday, my last day in the Council. After having packed all my stuff, I decided to have a look once again to the "misterious" rooms of the Council (that's how the Commission stagiaires call them, they told me monday night at my last party with them).

When I was stealing some water and some presidency's stuff, I met Laetitia that was wandering around the Council too.
So we discovered how empty is the Council on 31st of July.

mardi, août 01, 2006