jeudi, mars 09, 2006

Strasbourg trip: l’histoire continue

Dear trainee,
You are so excited, because on Monday you are going to Strasbourg in order to get “an insight into the role of the EP and the Council of Europe.”
But you have to respect the 10 commandments of Mme ***! En voici quelques extraits:

- Do not be late
- Prepare your questions for the for the round table discussion
- Do not drink too much wine at lunch, only within responsible limit!
- Do not share your room with a stranger.
A ce propos, les rumeurs vont bon train…

It seems that Miguelito is sharing his room with Martin. Be careful guys, Melinda is waiting behind the door!

Filipe told us that he is sharing his room with Laetitia Casta, Claudia Schiffer or both. After a 5-minutes investigation, we found out that “Laetitia Casta, Claudia Schiffer or both” is the new pseudonym used by Michael!
Without surprise, Chris is sharing his room with ten girls! (...)

- Do not organize parties in the rooms!
Oh no, said Zenaida, the organizer of the “consilium pyjama party”! What now?

Miguelito and Martin already made their choice : Spring 2006 Pyjama Collection of the famous designer “Bananas with pyjamas”.
Don’t worry Zenaida, by now our young lawyers are preparing a legal opinion on the differences between the concept of “party” and the concept of “pyjama party”, in order to confirm that the latter is not illegal. They are also analysing the possibility to organize the party not in a room, but in the corridor, knowing the latter is not illegal.

4 commentaires:

martinned a dit…


I'll leave the party aspect to JM. I will focus on fire safety, if you don't mind...


Atanaska a dit…

I do!

Atanaska a dit…


Jose-Miguel a dit…

The rules: [Straight from the official pyjamas party website]:

There’s nothing like sitting around in your pyjamas and your favourite slippers, drinking hot chocolate, eating biscuits and sharing stories with friends. Invite everyone over for a pyjama party an all-night sleep over to celebrate your birthday.
Here are some "do’s and don'ts." Don’t forget to invite your guests’ favourite night time companions if they have one. (Tell the truth…who can sleep without their worn and weary teddy bear or favourite "Noonoo?")
If you have to stay over, make sure you start late enough that they aren’t bored by 10 p.m.
If your neighbours won’t get too upset, set up a clothes line in your front garden with sheets, pyjama tops, bottoms, pillow cases and more blowing in the wind. Your guests will immediately know where the pyjama party is being held, and they’ll have a good laugh too.
Make tents and houses out of sheets, blankets Of course, the proverbial bedtime stories are what you think of first when you think pyjama party. And let’s not forget the good old "ghost story." So, that’s always fun.
The usual charades, trivia contests and other games will work well, but you probably want to have some pillow fights and daredevil.