lundi, juillet 30, 2007

Marija's Defence


This was basically the first time I put my suit back on since leaving Brussels. (Technically, I should have worn tails, but I couldn't be bothered to.) It was my friend and colleague Marija Bockarjova's Ph.D. defence, and I was asked to be one of the paranimphs. As you can see from the pictures, this is a very demanding job, which mainly requires one to know how to tie a necktie and how not to look bored while someone else talks about their research for an hour. The good news is, though, that I still fit into my suit.

This is the introductory presentation. No powerpoint for the defence itself... As you can see, we unfortunately do not have a nice posh theatre for these occasions, so Ph.D. defences always take place in this lecture theatre.

Everybody rise when the committee comes in.

The announcement of the result, after the defence...

There are more pictures here.

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martinned a dit…


My turn will be somewhere in 2010.