mercredi, mars 01, 2006

Честита Баба Марта - 1er mars; Fête nationale - 3 mars!

10 commentaires:

ditka-barabitka a dit…

Нап, мучвофце ну езьужов фелцу!!!

martinned a dit…


Atanaska, admit it, you cursed Chris with that bracelet. What did you do? Are his balls going to fall off? Or his hair? Just admit it.


Atanaska a dit…

Martin, please! But don't worry, I have one for you too... We'll see what will happen!

martinned a dit…


Did you read the beginning of the New Yorker article on my blog? The bit about Ig and Og. Like Og, I think it is safer to wait and see what happens to Ig.


martinned a dit…


I know what is going to happen: Tonight, at midnight, we'll all turn into zombies and go join the Bulgarian army.


Atanaska a dit…

Martin, I'll put your picture again!!!

martinned a dit…


I don't care, talk about Martin gulash all you want. I just want to know what you did to drive the poor guy to join the army, causing him to die alone on a far away battlefield.


Atanaska a dit…

martin please delete that comment, if you do, I'll delete everything you want.

martinned a dit…


I don't want you to delete anything.


Atanaska a dit…

Aujourd'hui, 3 mars 2006!

Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей,
слънце Тракия огрява,
над Пирина пламеней.

Мила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край.