vendredi, juin 30, 2006

mercredi, juin 28, 2006

After the Council

Dear consilium trainee,
I know how you feel. You are asking yourself, “is there a life after the Council?”
The answer is “YES”, my dear trainee, there is one!

After several years of practice in the US, JM was elected Best World Lawyer of the Century. Melinda got married in Paris and created the famous law firm “Intellectual property, Fernandito & so on”… Zenaida changed her name to Zenadia and created the star academy “how to become popular”. Ricardo became the eighth Secretary-General of the UN, Alessandro replaced Pascal Lamy at WTO, while Milena became the new SG/HR.

Olivier is a member of the Commission, responsible for Information Society and Media, Filipe was elected president in Portugal, but few days after the election he escaped in the UK. Bianca became a singer and forced everybody in Woluwe Heights to buy her CD (she was a Director there, so the poor EU administrators did not really have a choice…) . Giuseppe is consultant in “European party games, new concepts and lips!” Le petit Benoît joined the members of the famous band Photoshop boys, while Soti started another traineeship at the Commission, where he was elected Mr Commission!

Simone and Luca joined AC Milan, after the arrival of the new president Janina!
Angelina is the new Bulgarian Foreign Minister. After few years of being Casanova in his farm, Chris got married, he has 8 children and is very happy to be Head of the Austrian PR to what remains of the EU. Martin became a professor and died from a heart attack at 101 years in the University, trying to explain to the students why the enlargement caused the collapse of the EU!
And Atanaska? Well, despite her traumatic brain injury, Atanaska took the right decision and joined her pigmy friends in Africa…

She never came back!

mardi, juin 27, 2006

Beach time

Dear trainee,
where are you going to spend your holidays?

Ask Luca!

dimanche, juin 25, 2006

Conference - Backstage

L'organisation de la conférence

Starring : Alessandro, Melinda, José-Miguel, Olivier, Milena, Zenaida, Filipe, Ricardo, Benoît (alias the photoshop boy), Isabel and myself.
Am I forgetting someone?

Thanks for coming.

mercredi, juin 21, 2006


1st Council Stagiaires Conference


Friday 23rd June 2006

Council of the European Union
Press Room
Rue de la Loi 175,
1048 Bruxelles

13.30 Accreditation

14.00 Introduction
Why this conference?
Brief speech given by the stagiaires of the Council
Intervention of Mr Vittorio GRIFFO, Director General of DGA
(Administration) of the Council

14.15 Global Market Developments

State of play of the negotiations of the Doha Round at the WTO

Mr Paul CULLEY, Director of DGE II of the Council
(Development & Trade), moderator

Is Europe going to gain from further liberalisation?
Mr Paolo GARZOTTI, DG Trade of the Commission,
Deputy Head of Unit, Coordination of WTO
Mr. Flavio COTURNI, DG Agricuture of the Commission,
Deputy Head of Unit - WTO negotiations

15.30 Liberalisation of the Internal Market

The added value of the Services Directive
Mr Fernando FLORINDO GIJON, Legal Service of the Council

16.00 Conclusion

For more information and to register please contact
Alessandro Vivaldi
Phone: +32 (0)2 281 6306
Fax: +32 (0)2 281 7939
Due to security reasons,
registration is compulsory.

lundi, juin 19, 2006

Middle Ages - Appendix /see far below/

The story is slightly different from what the Wise Storyteller wrote. The brave soldier Atanasko after saving Princess Zenaida and Princess Angelina went for a walk...
And then he saw a magic fire and a crowd of people following a shaman. They remembered that Atanasko had saved them from bad council gossip some time before that.
And then the shaman said "Atanasko, what is your wish? I could give you everything." But before Atanasko could speak a word and share his dreams of a better world, the shaman turned him into a very beautiful and intelligent princess...
"Atanaska shall you be!!!"

The magician also gave Atanaska a trustworthy soldier to fight for her in bad times:


Happy birthday, dear Wednesday!

Happy Birthday Fiammetta. We wish you all the best!

Yesterday, we had to face severe criticism (de la part de notre génie de service Miguelito) over a birthday card we made, only because we introduced a completely new style!

Oui, très cher stagiaire, la vie est injuste! L’homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers.

Nous fûmes blessés, meurtris, notre âme fut déchirée… et notre art resta incompris !
Pire encore, on qualifia notre oeuvre "d'absolument raté" !
Faut-il se plier face à la dictature de la pensée artistique et faire une carte ordinaire, qui ne marquera certainement pas l’histoire !

Evidemment! :)))

But one day, my dear trainee, you will realize that our first picture was a masterpiece!
We also hope that Fiammetta likes that one (because she doesn't like the first one either).

vendredi, juin 16, 2006

Goodbye Janina

Goodbye Janina, trainees will miss you!

Thanks Janina

Time for our stupid post of the day
Question of the day:
1.who are they?
2.where are they?

3. do you like Luca on this picture? (he's always complaining...)

4. is Miguelito thinking about tax law?
5. is it Rocco or ET?

6.who is the guy behind the ball?
a) the mad mad of the council
b) the winner in the category "Best party game"
c) Giuseppe!

Please, send your answers to Janina.

mercredi, juin 14, 2006

The Addams Family: Welcome in our office

20th Century Consilium Fox presents:

The Addams Family


Starring: Miguelito: Gomez, Melinda: Morticia, Fiammetta: Wednesday.
Guest star Atanaska: Thing!

click here for the music:Download The Addams Family opening theme song (1966 version)

Dear trainee, do you know these guys. Do you think they are lawyers?
NO! They are the Addams Family!
And they all come from a long line of deviants, freaks, maniacs and mad cows!

First episode: the suicide note
Lurch decided to kill himself. In order to help him, Wednesday copied a suicide note (the proposal was submitted by Thing, amended by Morticia and adopted by Gomez!) and tried to print it with a blood ink.
Suddenly, they heard some mysterious sounds coming from the printer.
"Paper, paper, papeeeeeeeeer!!!!!!" said Gomez.
2 hours later, Wednesday looked at him like he was crazy and said “Why didn’t you put a paper, if you knew that it’s empty!”
… and decided to strap the 3 of them into an electric chair!

The question of the day is:
Which one of our heroes is the most bizarre and/or frightening?
a) Gomez
b) Morticia
c) Thing!
d) Wednesday

lundi, juin 12, 2006

Giuseppe's party

20th Century Consilium Fox presents:
The unforgettable Giuseppe’s party !

Giuseppe ! What a wonderful party !
Do you know, consilium trainee, the story about Giuseppe’s terrace. It’s a very special terrace. There, you are so close to the stars, that you can forget about the party games and think about something else. Ricardo and Filipe are thinking about Portugal, Chris is thinking about Tervueren, Giuseppe and Zenaida are thinking about lips, Martin is thinking about Angelina, ice and so on, Luca is thinking about Casanova,

and I’m thinking about myself, my other myself – Melinda (Ditka :). I could almost hear her singing somewhere in Paris:
There was something in the air that night
The stars were bright, Fernando
They were shining there for you and me
For liberty, Fernando! (click on Fernando :P)

Goodbye Consilium, Bonjour ENA!

mercredi, juin 07, 2006

Time for the stupid post of the day

Time for the stupid post of the day!
Question of the day:
a) Who are they?
b) Where are they?

c) And what is Melinda doing there?

Pour plus de photos, please click here, there, over there, everywhere, somewhere, wherever, but not here! Noooooo!

mardi, juin 06, 2006

Special Award for "Real Gentleman"

but the actual Winner is:

Look! He is holding her hand...

Question of the day!

Who are they?
Where are they?
What are they doing there?

The answer: later this afternoon.