mardi, mars 07, 2006

Our Mission!!

La mission été simple…aller au Mirano pour faire la fête après une semaine de travaille (très dur)…Le mot d'ordre était très séduisant…
"Your grandma danced to Eurovision…now you must Jump to Euromission…"
Trainees from all the institutions and some other interesting places (that I don't remember the name, but are certainly very important!!) were there trying to jump and to scream as load as possible, supporting our Austrian, Polish and Spanish friends. Austria won the first round of the Euromission competition!! They know how to party!? Apparently yes…very well indeed and with good results ;). Portugal will be in competition next Friday, please come and support (It's not and invitation, it's and ORDER…ok ok I'm becoming despotic, some kind of influences…)
But apart from the competition we had a lot of fun…it was incredible, we danced, we laughed, we jumped, we screamed and we promised to return... I hope we can repeat it again (in great number), showing our Power and enjoying our time without ties, badges or official procedures…Let us have fun, enjoy and discover ourselves better, because…(of course my traditional quote)
"When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves."
William Arthur Ward

PS: Pictures availabe soon!!
PS2: Atanaska… promis c'est promis! :)

5 commentaires:

Atanaska a dit…

ok, j'attends avec impatience :D

Anonyme a dit…

IF the pictures are at least half as good as the party was we are going to have absolutely great gallery!!!
Next week Portugal... the front-runner from previous competition.Sounds like good DJ and a lot of fun! I believe more people can join us this time...

Atanaska a dit…
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.
martinned a dit…

Regarding Portugal's participation in the competition next week:

I think that our collaboration with Portugal should be discussed, let's say, more... financially, if you know what I mean.
Felipe, I'm comming in your office in 10 min, so just prepare an envelope with "you-know-what" inside.

Yours faithfully,
Olivier, corrupt press officer wannabe.

martinned a dit…


Given that Portugal are up against the Netherlands, they will obviously need all the help they can get...
