jeudi, juillet 27, 2006

Europe and Italy

Bruno Bozzetto (March 3, 1938, Milano, Italy) is an Italian cartoon animator, creator of many short pieces, mainly of a political or satirical nature. In recent years Bozzetto has turned his hand to flash cartoons, most notably with the award-winning "Europe and Italy", a witty and graphically elegant commentary on European vs. Italian sociocultural attributes. Wikipedia

to see the cartoon, please click here:

suggested by Martin yesterday and by Francesca last year!

6 commentaires:

Atanaska a dit…

post n° 150

martinned a dit…


Congratulations on the 150!


P.S. Who is Francesca?

martinned a dit…


You turned off the anonymous comment option?


Atanaska a dit…

bianca!!! come here before you go to romania!
you can post something else whenever you want, but sometimes there are problems with Blogger.

martin, the administrator warned the bloggers more than once, but they continued with the anonymous comments and some of them were not very nice. because of them, everybody will pay!
that's why, last week he turned off this option .

the last thing he said was:


...for the others

martinned a dit…


It's OK, I never posted anonymously anyway.

BTW, do I get an invite, too? Bianca has to go out of her way to come see you, and I'll be there anyway. (Gotta see the old Roman Arena...)


martinned a dit…


@ Nace: I'm sorry. Lonely Planet called the thing an amphitheatre, which is why I said "arena". But it turns out these stupid Lonely Planet guys don't know the difference between an amphitheatre and a regular Greek theatre. The one in Plovdiv, it turns out, was built by the Romans, but in Greek (semi-circle) style.

[Yes, this is one of my pet hates. It's not that difficult. Even with one year of Greek in grammar school, I still remember that Αμφι means around...]
