mardi, novembre 28, 2006



No Santa Claus until Wednesday!

7 commentaires:

martinned a dit…


In other words: shame on whoever put that Santa Claus clock on the blog...

consilium trainees a dit…

I did it, ok!
do you have a problem with that?

do not criticize the administrator, because you won't get any gift, bad kid!
next time take a real christmas picture from your hometown. administrator wants to see it.

consilium trainees a dit…

PS. administrator doesn't speek dutch

martinned a dit…


Yes, I do have a problem with that. It's bad enough that we have to spend 19 days each year in that US-imported Christmas misery, but in the spirit of European self-awareness I strongly feel that we should not let that Coca-Cola Santa compete with the real deal.

martinned a dit…


More pictures of the official entry on November 18th are here.

martinned a dit…


And yes, these pictures are from Middelburg, because that's where St. Nicholas arrived this year.

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