jeudi, mars 09, 2006

Goodbye JOJO

Photoshop boys star Jojo has been named a Don Joan of the Year by Time magazine, honouring his rare ability to combine the duties of a Photoshop star with those of a global heartbreaker. He has consistently used his position as frontman of one of the most popular photoshop bands in the world to influence young Spanish girls…

Victime de son succès, le frontman des Photoshop boys nous quitte pour se lancer dans une carrière solo.

In his last interview, Jojo said : “I’ll be back… soon.”

4 commentaires:

martinned a dit…


So how did your lesson go?


Atanaska a dit…

don't you see the result? I'm a photoshop guy too now!

martinned a dit…


I assume you mean girl? But yes, I must say your skills have seriously improved. Is that also the result of no longer using Paint?


Atanaska a dit…

I was wandering who are those spanish girls?!
et merci pour les lessons, je suis ton premier disciple, maître Jojo.
Surtout, n'oublie pas le blog et publie tes photos aussi souvent que tu peux!
à tout-à-l'heure