mercredi, mai 17, 2006

Couples' Party on Thusday

Real or fake, straight or gay, old or new, all couples are welcome to join the party...!

5 commentaires:

Angelina a dit…

Forgot to mention the strict rules:
- you have to come with someone as a couple (subject to face/kiss/-control);
- it could be a real or a fake couple (no one would notice the difference);
- gay couples are also allowed based on Art. 13 TEC;
- only champagne, chocolate, (ice) cream and strawberries will be served/brought in;
- no beer & chips are allowed;
- music is 'streetcar desire', apart from ABBA;
- catch the last metro.

martinned a dit…

Amendment to the rules:

- If you love yourself enough, this is also OK. But again, subject to face/kiss/control.


Anonyme a dit…

Anyone interested in a bag?

martinned a dit…

This time it should work:

For Men

For Women

consilium trainees a dit…

yeah, Martin, it works, but now I have to remove all your deleted comments! :@