mercredi, mai 03, 2006

Parliamentary Questions - Part II


This is EP Question no. E-2653/05, asked in July 2005:

A few days ago the Regional Administrative Court of Catania upheld an appeal by a young homosexual whose driving licence had previously been withdrawn on grounds of ‘sexual identity problems’.

In upholding the appeal, the Court stated that ‘sexual preferences have no bearing whatsoever on the ability to drive a motor vehicle safely’, since they are ‘merely a personality disorder’.

Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits any discrimination based on sex or sexual orientation. Article 13 of the EC Treaty provides that the Council may take appropriate action to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Does the Council not consider it to be vital and urgent for the European Union to take measures to prevent any possible discrimination and prejudice based on sexual orientation?

What action will it take on this matter in the coming months?

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

what about "sexual preferences and human rights" as a new panel? you could take this one and save the world ;)

Alessandro a dit…

what about organizing a gay parade during the conference?

Angelina a dit…

nothing against lawyers, of course, but this judge must have had a personality disorder at the time

Anonyme a dit…

angelina, as you know, le Code civil peut être résumé en deux articles: 1. Le juge fait ce qu’il veut. 2. Tant pis.
anyway, jusuqu’à preuve du contraire, this is only a parliamentarian question! where is the real decision of the court?

Alessandro a dit…
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