mercredi, août 02, 2006

31st July in the Council

Monday, my last day in the Council. After having packed all my stuff, I decided to have a look once again to the "misterious" rooms of the Council (that's how the Commission stagiaires call them, they told me monday night at my last party with them).

When I was stealing some water and some presidency's stuff, I met Laetitia that was wandering around the Council too.
So we discovered how empty is the Council on 31st of July.

4 commentaires:

Atanaska a dit…

Quelqu'un reste là en septembre?Laetitia, Luca ou Caroline???

martinned a dit…


On behalf of Caroline: No, she will be either in Clermont-Ferrand, or in Nice in September.

As far as I know, only Laetitia will still be there.


Alessandro a dit…

Oui, Laetitia sera notre seule informatrice là!

Atanaska a dit…

bon, on compte sur elle pour les nouveaux gossips!
en attendant, si quelqu'un sait quelque chose, qu'il le dise maintenant!