mardi, août 01, 2006

The Party

6 commentaires:

martinned a dit…


I'm sorry, it's just my strange sense of humor getting the better of me...


Atanaska a dit…

but we don't have a sense of humour and we don't understand your post!

martinned a dit…


My part vs. The party.

I know, not funny.

I'll think about removing it.


martinned a dit…

P.S. Julia got a job working for a law firm in Frankfurt! Real estate law, unfortunately.


Anonyme a dit…

Товарищ Мартин, а ты забыл ГУЛАГ ?

martinned a dit…


No, comrade Koleva, I'd rather not. Although Solzjenitsyn wrote his best work there. (One day of Ivan Denisovitsj is a whole lot more readable than the Gulag Archipelago.)

And forgive my horrible romanization. Lately, there's been a big discussion about it on the comments page of Dutch ceefax, so I've decided to pretty much do it in whatever way I feel like.
