samedi, août 26, 2006


Today the Consilium society celebrates one of the four European days (as you know those days are dedicated to the Real Legal Service): Melinda – Ditka’s birthday!

She is also President of the Strictement déconseillés’ Fan club, winner in the category Ugly picture and best Citka’s friend, Legal adviser on blog matters, Excellent omelette maker, and most importantly, member of the Légion d’honneur des vaches folles!

How many times she made us laugh to tears in the office?

Ditka has an impressive filmography :
Star from the famous Consiliwood movies : Holà (directed by Fiammetta), the Addams family (2006) directed by me, Wins the yes!(2006), Serious(2006), Eating Brownies (February), Bienvenu au Conseil (February)
Director and producer Antisocial tu perds ton sang froid (also February),
Dance star in Olivier’s interview
Leading actress, Choreography: Fernando (special guest: Miguelito)
Main character in the best-seller Conference - backstage, Strasbourg trip - l'histoire continue and many more.

As she was one of the best Council lawyers, her brilliant legal advice will remain unforgettable: If one of your friends becomes too aggressive after a friendly dinner and you want to get rid of him, but keep his friendship, you could send him a friendly sms:

Casse - toi!


6 commentaires:

Atanaska a dit…

Bon anniversaire Ditka!
Je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde!
Voici les deux chansons que j'ai choisies pour toi :Mesecina et Cocek

P.S. tu te demandes que font ces lapins en bas de la carte? eh bien, malgré tous mes efforts, j'ai pas trouvé de tortues dans le jardin. il y avait 3-4 escargots, mais les photos étaient mauvaises (j'aurais pu filmer mes 9 chats, remarque) quoi qu'il en soit, les fleurs ne sont pas artificielles et sont spécialement pour toi ;)


Atanaska a dit…

finally, a message from the president :P !

as for the post, martin told me that it is not clear. I forgot to ask why... actually, I’m talking about the movies we made in our office.

martinned a dit…


I'm sorry Nace, when I said that it had been a while since I'd seen the post. My memory was a little foggy. (That seems to happen to me a lot lately.) Maybe it is the French that makes it seem a little incoherent. Either way, happy birthday Melinda! (Better late than never.)


ditka-barabitka a dit…

Merci beaucoup, ma chère Citka!!! J'adore les tortues! J'adore aussi les fleurs et les lapins! Mais c'est toi que j'adore le plus!!! :) And thanks to Zenaida, Filipe and Martin, too! This is a wonderful birthday present.

I've been offline for the last month, but I promise to reply soon to the mails I've received from some of you. Kisses from Budapest to everybody!

Atanaska a dit…

merci à toi ditka,
c'est le plus beau cadeau d'anniversaire que j'ai eu!

ditka-barabitka a dit…

Félicitations á la poste "Bulgariane"! ;)))