vendredi, août 18, 2006

Titicaca dreams

20th Century Consilium Fox presents:
Life after the Council
1st episode: Titicaca dreams

Dear consilium trainee,
Close your eyes and imagine….
Imagine a wonderful trip through Peru

with Veronika (who went there with an NGO to restore the Inca Empire) and listen
'El Condor Pasa'

Ah Lima, Machu Picchu, Titicaca,

2 commentaires:

martinned a dit…


When I was in Brussels, I heard a story about how a promotion in the 1960s, the one God/Piris was in, pledged to renounce the place in the elite they were entitled to, and work among the common people. As you can see from the example of God, not all of the Enarques kept their promise, but a few of them did. I imagine they were treated like Martians when they first entered the Banlieues. It doesn't matter, it's the thought that counts.

Anyway, my point is: Hail to Veronika for doing what most Enarques, like most Council Stagiaires (certainly including me) are too spoiled to do!



Atanaska a dit…

je ne sais pas pour le pérou, mais ici il fait 43°. c'est la fin de la canicule, à partir de demain les temperatures vont baisser.
et revoilà l'automne.