dimanche, septembre 03, 2006

This is my window

Answering to the question "wha-t-e are you now ("what-t-e"= mix of where and what if you pronounce it with a thick US accent) " and given that is Saturday night and I have nothing better to do than being reading the blog, I have decided to keep you all informed of my last developments.

Assuming that I can guess -with a (random) 95% accuracy- who is going to read the post and the average level of interest of the average reader I’ll give you this information:

- This country (or at least this city) is crap: nothing works, the opening time is 10 to 6, the green lights of traffic lights are not green (they are white), people don’t talk, coffee is simply shit and it smells funny.

- The university goes along with the city: my phone number was incorrect, I called the IT service and they kept on giving me the wrong one until I called someone else (with a pin number that I receive four days after my arrival because it was sent to someone else) and the number that shows up in the ID-call-thing is a completely different one. Besides, the internet connection was not working, the professor that I was meant to assist didn’t know that I was assigned to him, and almost everybody is having problems with the programme which is meant to "assist" you when selecting your courses.

- On the good side the teaching is pretty good and the amount of work is not very likely to kill me; my room views are simply spectacular (see photo) and the MoMA is the most amazing museum I’ve seen in my life and—as far as I can tell—they have the best coffee in town, for the insignificant price of a metro return ticket ($4) a reduced ticket ($15) and $4.25 for the coffee itself)

6 commentaires:

Atanaska a dit…

Miguelito, c'est pas très ingénieux de ta part , je vois que tu essayes de nous décourager, mais avec melinda on est fermement décidé à te visiter! ¡Joder macho! ;-)))

Bonne chance avec le travail académique et ne te laisse pas embobiner par les yankees,

ditka-barabitka a dit…

Holà Miguelito! Jodidos americanos! ;))) Si tu ne reviens pas en Europe, nous te la porterons avec Citka. Au moins l'Europe Centrale et l'Europe de l'Est. ;) Bon courage jusque-là! :)

Jose-Miguel a dit…

Vous savez bien qu'il y aura toujours de la place ici pour vous, demoiselles.


martinned a dit…


Nice view!
Are you working with anyone I might know? The man I wrote my masters thesis with spent last year at NYU, but I think he's back in the Netherlands now.

Have fun,


Alessandro a dit…

JM, y a t il de la place aussi pour des mauvais mecs italiens? je vais à Boston à la fin d'octubre, je passerai te visiter!

Jose-Miguel a dit…

Ale: Bien sur! Envoi-moi un courriel et je peux te loger jusqu'à trois nuits sans aucun problème.

Bianca: My memories of the States were welcoming people, waitresses being over-attentive, stupid rules that -in the end- actually worked, etc. Now people are telling "this is not America this is NY".

Mr. Joderman: Maybe P.Alston for Human Rights and Weiler for the trade-related aspects. In the second semester I'll be full-time with a guy called Kornhauser.