mardi, octobre 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Filipe

11 commentaires:

martinned a dit…


Happy birthday Filipe!


P.S. She's alive!!!

Ricardo a dit…
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Ricardo a dit…

Parabéns Filipe!
Que contes muitos!

Chris a dit…

Lieber Filipe,

ich wünsch Dir alles alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Mögen Dein Träume und Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen.

Today you have to drink two beers. One for me and one for you. Then you have to think about our good old times in Brussels. And then you have to continue drinking beers. One for Atanaska, one for Anna, one for Martin, and one for Ricardo...

From dusk till dawn...

Greetings from Vienna


Angelina a dit…

hi, Filipe!

Has anyone told you that LIBRA is the best star sign ever?
People like me...

martinned a dit…


Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac and associated with justice. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a pleasant, charming, fair, perceptive, idealistic, refined, and diplomatic character, but one which is also prone to frivolity, flirtatiousness, indecision, deceitfulness, and insecurity.

martinned a dit…


Astrology is the greatest science ever!!!


martinned a dit…

O, once more wikipedia:

Notable persons born under the Sign of Libra (Tropical Zodiac) include: F. Scott Fitzgerald, T.S. Eliot, Eminem, Truman Capote, Bonnie Parker, Mahatma Gandhi, John Lennon, Virgil, Luciano Pavarotti, Caesar Augustus, Edward VI of England, Groucho Marx, Rita Hayworth, P. G. Wodehouse, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Divine, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, Chuck Berry, Dizzy Gillespie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Brigitte Bardot, Olivia Newton John, Aleister Crowley, Bela Lugosi, Evel Knievel, Black Thought of The Roots, Julie Andrews, Matt Damon, Joan Fontaine, Ayumi Hamasaki, Christopher Reeve, Carole Lombard, Bruce Springsteen, and Arthur Rimbaud.

martinned a dit…


Basically, about 1/12 of the worlds population is born under this sign! It's a miracle!


martinned a dit…


@ Filipe: I'm afraid I made the 1/12 statistic up, but I'm sure it's about that.

If you want some exact science: assuming that the 12 characteristics listed are all independent of one another, and each describe one half of the world's population, than any random person has a chance of 38,7 % of being described by at least 7 of them.

(I'm moonlighting in discrete and combinatorial mathematics at the moment...)


Anonyme a dit…


Muchas gracias chica=)
All the best with your work in Seville! I guess you have finished your training by now.

Take care,