mardi, octobre 17, 2006

50 year logo

My apologies to the Photoshop boys, but it seems some Polish guy won the competition to design the logo for next year's 50th birthday.

7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I don't like it!

martinned a dit…


She's alive!!!


consilium trainees a dit…


who's she?

martinned a dit…


Atanaska, of course!


martinned a dit…


Well, Anna, do you know how medieval map makers used to write "hic sunt dracones" somewhere near the end of the world in the East?

Well, as it turns out, there really are dragons in that part of the world, and one of them apparently caught Atanaska. It's horrible, really. If you've seen that movie with Christian Bale, you'll know what it's like a little bit, but trust me, in reality it's worse.
And there I was thinking the place was supposed to look like that. You know, former communist country, etc. But no! It was the dragons! Angelina is OK, because she is really important, so she has her own bodyguard of dragon slayers. But Atanaska thought she didn't need one, with her being so tiny and all... It turns out these dragons have really good eye sight, so they spotted her and snatched her right up from next to that gay statue of Alexander's dad. If only she'd let Angie and me pay for drinks, then she would have had the money for protection...

The lesson of this story: no matter how tiny you are, you should always use protection, or the consequences will be lethal...


P.S. You don't really want to know how Nace survived. Really, you don't. And I don't really want to type it down here. It's disgusting. But let's say that sometimes being tiny can be helpful. Think of the ending of the first Men in Black movie, just before Will Smith makes out with the girl.

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Anna, congratulations for the new job!!! :)))

I'm still here, but I can't post anymore, because... I always feel like somebody's watching me...

As for the eastern dragons, Atanaska needs no protection, she's a human-like dragon-meat-eating creature!

martinned a dit…

@ Nace: 41 %???

That's bad, even by European Standards.

But seriously, you too congrats on the new job, I suppose. And, BTW, is Big Brother watching you at home as well? Or does your new residence not have internet? In short: tell me more!!!