mardi, novembre 21, 2006

Janina's email of November 20

Dear all!

It felt really good to hear from you guys! And
whenever I read a mail of you, I remember how much I
miss the good old Brussels times!

I've just come back from a trip to the US, where I
visited my former Brussels-flatmate in Washington,
Miguel (thanks again!!) in New York and my sister in
Miami. It was a really great trip and I am super
relaxed now - and even a bit tanned:)

During my trip, I found out that I finally got the
PhD-scholarship I had waited for for such a long time.
So my lazy days are over and I'll concentrate on my
dissertation now.
Right now, I live in Hamburg (I just got a new
appartment there), but I will probably move around a
lot - so maybe we get the chance to see eachother!
I might work part-time in Brussels for a German MEP
focussing on ESDP (starting in January), but it is not
yet clear. And I also don't know, if I am ready to
leave Hamburg already - now, where I've just settled.
Most of my friends from University are still here, and
I started playing Handball again on a competative
basis, which is really great - although I certainly
miss plying soccer with you!!! (for Martin: football:)
So I feel pretty happy here right now.

As the summer indeed seems ages ago, I am super happy
to hear from you frequently.
And I hope, we can organize a little reunion some time

Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg


2 commentaires:

martinned a dit…


And yes, in case you were wondering, I did dig through my archive to find a picture of Janina that I was also on. What can I say, modesty is not for me...

Anonyme a dit…

I knew it!!!