mardi, novembre 21, 2006

POST 200

Dear Consilium trainee, this is the post n°200 of the blog.
To commemorate this "anniversary", we decided to make some personal remarks about the courageous consilium artists

86 posts Atanaska : denigration, plagiarism, copyright infringement, music piracy… How come she’s not in prison yet??? (…because she’s waiting for the season 2 of prison break!)
29 posts Martinned Hollanderman : Mr copy/paste
16 posts Angelina : very successful start, but now she’s lost forever, doesn’t read the blog! why?
11 posts Anna : our new favourite, original posts, new ideas...
10 posts JM (El Creator) : la fuite de cerveaux vers les Etats Unis nuit au blog, au bloggeurs et aux bloggeuses !
10 posts Olivier : mais que fais tu mon petit Oli? Après un début ô combien prometteur (food safety ou la viande de stagiaire), on attend toujours de tes nouvelles, surtout la partie II de l’épisode missing !
6 posts Zenaida : Zenadia Zenadia jeje ;) funniest posts of the year!
6 posts Franzi : O Solana! Future Foreign minister of Yurop!
5 posts Ricardo: young artist that we admire, excellent choice of layout and content!
5 posts Jojo : Jojo gave us our first photoshop lesson. thank you!
3 posts Chris : enormous potential! excellent choice of layout and content as well! now he can even photoshop pictures with someone who’s putting a laminate ;) and tries to make us believe that he can do it by himself.
3 posts Ale : great sense of humour, do you remember the vodka post? :D
3 posts Filipe : Doesn’t keep his election promises ! Remember his first post? March 1, 2006: I am now finally on the blog. Yes, there is little chance to avoid me=)))… there is a chance on the blog! Nice posts, but… can do better!
3 posts Julian: tu te caches mon petit goujat? faut que tu bloggues plus !
2 posts Melinda - ditka barabitka! (eh oui, elle est à la base de tous les posts de citka, because she is citka’s alter ego). Elle a fait une entrée fracassante dans le top 17 avec le poste « Rocco »
1 post Alex: il va y avoir du sport!
1 post Bianca !!! Where are you??? I still remember your post, the picture was very important for the collective memory.

Thank you all!

...and thanks for the comments ;) one can be an artist in a comment, like Francesco, Fiammetta, Pelagia and Carla for example.

15 commentaires:

martinned a dit…


Silver medal for me!!!

Anonyme a dit…

No Martin, you will be disqualified from the web awards, because you are guilty of international plagiarism and copyright infringement...
just like me!

PS 1. our readers need quality, not quantity, so I consider retirement, in order to encourage the emerging young artists.
PS 2. you can copy/paste PS1!

martinned a dit…


Please don't. Without you, the blog would be forever lost...

martinned a dit…

Lear. Where have I been? Where am I? Fair daylight,
I am mightily abus'd. I should e'en die with pity,
To see another thus. I know not what to say.
I will not swear these are my hands. Let's see.
I feel this pin prick. Would I were assur'd
Of my condition!

Cor. O, look upon me, sir,
And hold your hands in benediction o'er me.
No, sir, you must not kneel.

Lear. Pray, do not mock me.
I am a very foolish fond old man,
Fourscore and upward, not an hour more nor less;
And, to deal plainly,
I fear I am not in my perfect mind.
Methinks I should know you, and know this man;
Yet I am doubtful; for I am mainly ignorant
What place this is; and all the skill I have
Remembers not these garments; nor I know not
Where I did lodge last night. Do not laugh at me;
For (as I am a man) I think this lady
To be my child Cordelia.

Cor. And so I am! I am!

Lear. Be your tears wet? Yes, faith. I pray weep not.
If you have poison for me, I will drink it.
I know you do not love me; for your sisters
Have, as I do remember, done me wrong.
You have some cause, they have not.

Anonyme a dit…

Let me, if not by birth, have lands by wit. All with me’s meet that I can fashion fit.

martinned a dit…


That sounds like you, but do you understand why I quoted King Lear?

Anonyme a dit…

@Mark it, Martin!

Have more than thou showest,
Speak less than thou knowest...

martinned a dit…


I don't know about having more than I'm showing, but knowing more than I'm saying has never been a problem for me, obviously...

(Do you have a quote for modesty, too? My Shakespeare quotes are a bit rusty.)

Alessandro a dit…

thanks for having laughed for my post! don't remember it!

Alessandro a dit…

ata, why don't you make also the ranking of the copy/past comments?

Anonyme a dit…

Hey, I think I know who the winner is!

martinned a dit…


Why do I always get accused of plagiarism? I just wanted to encourage people to send their public service announcements via the blog instead of via email, or at least both. What's wrong with that?

Alessandro a dit…

come on, joking, joking...

martinned a dit…


See, internet communication is still far from being as good as the real thing. If we'd been talking in person, I would have made my "I know you're only joking, so am I"-face. (Not to be confused with my "isn't it ironic"-face.)

Anonyme a dit…

the winner is me!

not joking ;)))