In the meantime…
20th Century Consilium Fox presents “Ze trainee awards”
Starring: Ze "Legal Service Real & Fake", special guest: secret agent Oli
Who can win the award for best office group? How about the Legal service (Real & Fake)?
NO! Never!
Let's talk about how and why lawyers are hated. What do they do to provoke such animosity?
Clearly, the problem is that they're smart. Being smart is definitely a sin these days. But are our heroes really smart? …Reste à prouver, car il s’agit d’une présomption non irréfragable ! Moi personnellement j’en doute ! It might be because they do just what the law requires and not what it takes to make everyone happy.
Furthermore, lawyers are snobbish, pretentious and always want to be right. They are self-centred, egotistical, selfish, self-absorbed, self-interested, narcissistic, big-headed, and arrogant!
1st episode: Fraud
During the miscounting of the votes, l’OCDE a envoyé deux observateurs partiaux …qui sont partis avant l’annonce des résultats :)))
C’est alors que Secret Agent Oli came in the « voting office » in order to find an evidence of serious election irregularities!!!
Mais envahi par l’envie de gagner dans la catégorie Mister Consilium, il s’est rendu coupable de tentative de corruption.
Tentative réussi, puisque notre Miguelito ne s’est pas fait prier pour succomber à la tentation !
In the interview following the votes, asked specifically if he had been involved in election irregularities, Miguelito turned to the camera and said mysteriously: ubi lex non distinguit, nec non distinguere debemus.